Something like 17 months

513 days sober and smoke free today! HOLY CROW… My main big question is: “Where is all of my extra money?!!” Lol, only joking a little bit on that one. I honestly can’t imagine where I would be financially right now if I was still smoking and drinking (my nomo app says that I have saved in the vicinity of $10k over the past 17 months). I did go a little wild with spending money the past year, pampering myself, going on some great trips and weekend getaways, buying out all stores in my general vicinity of their chocolate supplies…Β  things that I never would have been able to add to my life without going into financial crisis if I was still spending the $ on wine and cigs like I was before I quit.

I started a second job just before Christmas, and I love it. I feel like my plate is very very full right now though. Sometimes it feels a little overwhelming and thanks to my complete lack of time management skills I do feel anxious quite often. 2 jobs (1 full, one part), 2 board of directors commitments, 2 kids getting married in the next year, 3 dogs, a car that isn’t too old but has 370,000km on it (just praying it hangs in there until at least 600k!), a long distance boyfriend, a grandson that I wish I could see more often (that’s a whole other story, and one I am finding common among other moms of the dads) and a 17 yr old that I really need to connect with more. I have had the occasional “Oh gosh it would be so nice to go home to a glass of wine” or “it would be so nice and relaxing to just sit around the bonfire with a spiked hot chocolate” but I have been able to pull myself back to reality pretty quickly by thinking about how good things are WITHOUT the booze. Without the hangovers and without the missed evenings, without the embarrassment of waking up and having to do damage control, etc etc… etc. I find my peace and my energy in nature. To quote the words of another blogger on here that I just read “I am learning about the therapeutic power of nature and being outdoors – this cannot be underestimated.” It really truly can’t.

I hope that you’re all doing well, I feel bad that I haven’t been on here much at all lately to keep up with how everyone is doing. ❀


  1. Untipsyteacher · March 22, 2018

    I am so glad to read this, Donna!
    I sometimes think it’s better to be a bit too busy than not busy enough, as long as it’s not too stressful!
    Nature is my go-to, too!
    I hope you have more adventures ahead of you!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. feelingmywaybackintolife · March 22, 2018

    Congrats on your sober savings, that is so wonderful. πŸ™‚ It does sounds like a very full agenda though, do you take good care of you?
    xx, Feeling

    Liked by 1 person

    • shehidbehindtheglass · March 22, 2018

      Feeling, I have been very careful with that and paying attention to how I am feeling. That has included lots of walks, hikes and early bed times, long hot showers, and taking a night off to curl up on the couch and watch a silly movie. I am FAR more in tune with my feelings and triggers than I ever was when I was drinking. Do you find that too? πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      • feelingmywaybackintolife · March 23, 2018

        Good! I don’t experience drinking triggers, I have more issues with the well, trauma’s that are unearthed and added 😦 since quitting. Self care is still an issue at my side of the internet cable. I am happy you found an entrance to taking better care of you (than drinking), πŸ™‚
        Thank you for proving that it is possible. πŸ™‚
        xx, Feeling

        Liked by 1 person

      • shehidbehindtheglass · March 23, 2018

        I have been struggling with some angry and resentful and hurt feelings about the way that some people treated me in the past, and some of it has been VERY difficult to work through. I have had a lot of anger towards myself too, for letting myself be treated that way, ESPECIALLY my last relationship that I was in when I quit. I try very hard to be gentle and kind to myself but that can be so hard. I have had lots of pep talks with myself in the bathroom mirror and I can’t stress the importance of finding something that brings you peace or joy (art, exercise, hiking, road trips, swimming….). If it makes you sweat then even better. πŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

      • feelingmywaybackintolife · March 23, 2018

        Sorry to hear that you have these bad memories. Well, I have my share too. Guess addiction had a function somewhere. :-/
        And yes to the looking for peace and joy. I can lose myself in darkness easily. I need to keep on looking for the joy. I am happy for you that you have found your way in that. ❀
        xx, Feeling

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Elizabeth · March 22, 2018

    WOW! That’s an amazing amount of cash. Well you’ve got some wonderful traveling and self-care for that money! So worth it! Your lungs and liver are also very happy! Congratulations!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. ainsobriety · March 23, 2018

    That’s awesome!
    Life sounds full and interesting!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Dewy · March 23, 2018

    From your early days of 30 days til now I’ve followed your journey . You’re an inspiration. Congrats.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. soberinvegas · March 23, 2018


    Liked by 1 person

    • shehidbehindtheglass · March 24, 2018

      I have a parcel that I need to mail to you! 😊 someone will have outgrown what I bought by the time it gets there πŸ™ˆ

      Liked by 1 person

  7. MeditationAndNoBooze · March 25, 2018

    Well done!
    And same here! I do not see the extra money in my bank account πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Finding a Sober Miracle · April 7, 2018

    Yay, you! I can’t believe it’s been that long. I’ve fallen away on the blogging also, but trying to catch up.
    I’m so glad your life is coming together. Look’s like we made it, to quote Barry Manilow. Ha ha!

    Liked by 1 person

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