Heya! It’s been far too long! Here I am, still sober and ridiculously busy! I am at 457 days, which is pretty close to 1 yr and 3 months. I made it though my second sober holiday season and am feeling content even in the middle of our horrible Canadian Prairies Winter!

What have I been up to since I posted here last (at the beginning of December? Seriously it has been that long??!). Let’s see… I started running again, I started keeping track of what I’m eating on the My Fitness Pal app, including any junky food, I picked up a second job that I LOVE, I have been getting outside and active as much as possible, including a hike in -34’c weather! I have been tapping in to my creative side during my “free time”, I have been spending time with my grandson, I have been laughing and out for coffees & dinners with friends, I have been trying as hard as I can to follow the rule “put down what it did to you. Pick up what you got from it.” when I feel myself getting angry at the way that I let the ex treat me. I have made it through some thoughts about “maybe just one drink”, “maybe just one bender”, “It would be so nice to go home to a glass of wine”, and I tell myself WHAT ARE YOU POSSIBLY THINKING? GO FOR A WALK AND LOOK FOR SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL! I have done trip planning and bugged my adventure partner about planning some future trips. I have had sparkling apple juice in a chocolate flute, and “unicorn hot chocolate” and lots and lots of water. I have cuddled puppies and made spontaneous evening or Sunday afternoon plans where I had to go and drive somewhere. I have had more energy and positivity at work and been able to come up with, focus on,  and execute some really awesome plans. I have been more involved and interactive on the boards that I sit on (uhhh… that doesn’t sound right hahah! Board of directors boards, not wooden ones!). I have taken time off to nurture my soul and do nice things for myself and just be lazy. I have had no problem saying no to going to places or being in situations that I’m not comfortable with, and feel like I’m starting to finally get into the groove of this! Even on the bad days I make a point of listing things that I am grateful for and making a point of looking for beauty in nature, or things that tickle my funny bone, and I try as much as I possible can to be active and get outside. Wheww!

Thinking of you all and wishing you all a very happy new year! I’m sorry I haven’t been around that often these days ❤


  1. Untipsyteacher · January 25, 2018

    So happy to hear from you!
    Very glad you are happily busy!


  2. ainsobriety · January 25, 2018

    That all sounds amazing. You are living! How beautiful!


  3. Finding a Sober Miracle · January 25, 2018

    What an incredible list! I am motived. And humbled. I think it’s too cold here in North Carolina to walk in winter. You took away my last excuse. ; )
    I am thrilled that things are going to well. Well done, you!!


  4. Elizabeth · January 26, 2018

    Great to “see” you girl! And you are never far from my thoughts! I haven’t posted lately either- since my brother’s passing at the end of December- that and the frigid, dark winter and post-holiday January funk have all but whittled away any motivation to write! Made it through all and have 7 months! Yea me. Yea you! ❤


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