Hush now, go to sleep

Sleep is something that’s really important to me and I’m pretty miserable with a lack of it. Before I quit drinking, the thought of trying to fall asleep without passing out drunk was a really scary thought! The odd day here and there that I had in the past few years where I had tried to go to sleep sober hadn’t been too successful. On days that I was really riled up about something and would try to fall asleep (after drinking and thinking), and wouldn’t be able to, I’d just get up and drink enough more until I crawled into bed, hung onto the sheets so that I didn’t get flung off the bed due to it spinning so fast, and wait until I passed out.

The first few days of sobriety I tossed and turned until, less than a week in, that pure exhaustion took over and I could barely keep my eyes open past dinner time. Once I got over that exhaustion phase I still slept really well!

A few weeks ago I picked up some “Restful sleep” herbal tea and started drinking that before bed. Why? I don’t know. Maybe I thought I’d get an even better sleep or fall asleep faster or something? I started waking up at 4am again because I’d have to go pee (oh big surprise there when you drink a big mug of tea just before bed!). I have been really groggy at work the past few weeks too which is a little frustrating after the wonderful clarity and energy I had been feeling prior to that, so I decided it’s time to stop drinking the sleepy tea.


  1. I Quit Wineing · January 25, 2017

    I can’t remember a time when I didn’t have to get up at night to use the bathroom. Thankfully I have always been able to get straight back to sleep. I also drink herbal tea at night. I find it quite relaxing. Some are better than others.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. soberinvegas · January 25, 2017

    i used to drink to fall asleep too! not drinking has changed my sleep so much…I also try to cut out screen time before bed (i’m not always successful) but I have found that helps too! 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  3. ainsobriety · January 25, 2017

    300 mg magnesium citrate before bed.
    It is amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • shehidbehindtheglass · January 25, 2017

      Really? I think I had to take that stuff before a colonoscopy and if it’s the same stuff I’d be afraid to go to sleep 😉💩


      • ainsobriety · January 25, 2017

        Really. 300 mg shouldn’t give you diarrhea. It relaxs you and reduces anxiety.
        I’ve had a colonoscopy. The prep was not fun!

        Liked by 2 people

      • shehidbehindtheglass · January 26, 2017

        Oh good, I will give that a try then! I thought maybe you just had a warped sense of humour (just kidding, but that would have been pretty funny). Ahh yes, the prep is definitely not fun. Colon cancer runs in my family at young(er) ages so I have to go in every 5 yrs for one. I learned after the first one to take the prep day off work! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Untipsyteacher · January 25, 2017

    I still struggle with sleep, it got worse after I quit drinking and still is bad.
    I have tried everything, including the magnesium.
    So today, I saw a sleep doctor, and next month I’ll be going to an sleep psychologist and he will work with me to learn how to sleep.
    I feel for you, kid!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Hurrahforcoffee · January 26, 2017

    I also feel for you. Sleep is so important! Have you tried eating a banana vbefore bed? (heard somewhere that helps)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. dewyplace · January 26, 2017

    Hehehe that’s funny . Sleep hygiene ..U wonder why they call it that ?
    I used to fall asleep anywhere any time with no trouble . Now I have to go at around 11pm each night . If I go too early I wake up around 3-4am. I didn’t get a good sleep last night so ended up napping. Didn’t get up til 630pm . Here’s hoping I can sleep tonight.

    Liked by 1 person

    • shehidbehindtheglass · January 26, 2017

      I was so tempted to have a nap when I got home last night but knew I’d definitely not fall asleep if I did. I was in bed by 10pm. haha

      Liked by 1 person

      • dewyplace · January 26, 2017

        I have to sleep early tonight as got work early tomorrow. Sucks to work on our New Year last Saturday of work since my contract runs out this coming Thursday.


      • shehidbehindtheglass · January 26, 2017

        Early morning work – eww 😦

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      • dewyplace · January 26, 2017

        Yes 730am start which means out of bed by 6am out of the house by 645am showered breakfast and changed. Then parked by 715am so I can walk into the hospital , go to the loo before I start .

        Liked by 1 person

  7. SWMum · January 26, 2017

    I think I’m a bit of a weirdo but I find doing maths makes me go to sleep!!! I work out things like how many days/hours/minutes till Xmas or my birthday and (more recently) how many units or £ I’ve saved since giving up drinking. I also play memory games (remembering all the children in my kids classes in alphabetical order) it calms my brain down.. I think I literally bore myself to sleep!!!

    Liked by 3 people

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