3am rage

Last night the boyfriend was out so although I tried waiting up for him, by 11:30 pm I went to bed. I had a meeting today that I wanted to be “bright eyed and bushy tailed” for. 1am he stumbles in drunk, has to come into the bedroom and make sure I’m awake. He then goes out to the living room, makes popcorn, eats chips, watches tv, plays tambourine. Kidding about the tambourine but he may as well have been for all the flippin’ noise he’s making. 3 am he finally gives it up and comes to bed. Fling door open? Check. Fling covers back dramatically? Check. Throw entire body onto bed to see if girlfriend will bounce high enough to hit the ceiling? Check. Ok, by this time I’m SEETHING. I have a meeting to go to in the morning and I know that now I won’t be able to get back to sleep. He puts the mask thing of his sleep apnea machine on, turns the machine on and in within about 30 seconds falls asleep. About a minute later -PSSSSSHHHHHHH!!!! The machine or the mask or my boyfriend are mimicking the sound of a large tire rapidly losing air. If there’s one thing that pisses me off, it’s getting woken up in the middle of the night. If there’s one thing that will send me into a blind seething rage, it’s the combination of everything above. So I poked him (semi gently) and told him to take the mask off for the night, which he does while muttering “finnneee…. I’ll TRY to go sleep without it tonightzzzzzzzz” snoring. Loudly. So I get hmmm I don’t know – an hour of sleep to go to my meeting on? He of course, calls in sick and sleeps the day away. A few months ago at 4 am I would have been getting up, pouring myself some of his spiced rum (“because if he’s going to keep me awake then I’m drinking his booze and maybe this will help me get to sleep for a few hours). Last night the thought crossed my mind briefly, but then flitted away. Thank goodness.


  1. asobermiracle · November 10, 2016

    Is he remorseful the next day? What are the odds he would stop drinking? I’m just wondering what kind of partner he is to you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • shehidbehindtheglass · November 10, 2016

      Not remorseful and very low odds of that. The next few months will be interesting – a part of me is hoping that he’s just revolting against change and will settle down and start acting more like his 50+ yrs of age instead of a rebellious teenager lol.


      • asobermiracle · November 10, 2016

        I guess he’s helping by setting such a bad example. What a strategy! Nothing makes you want to drink less than having to watch someone else become drunk on a regular basis.

        Liked by 1 person

      • shehidbehindtheglass · November 10, 2016

        You hit the nail on the head! πŸ˜€

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      • onebottleoneglass · November 10, 2016

        This is SO true!! I’m so completely turned off by drunk people now. Especially my husband! The snoring = RAGE!!

        Liked by 2 people

      • asobermiracle · November 10, 2016

        What about the loud stories? It is agonizing to go out to drinking parties, etc., these days, so I just don’t. To think I used to live for that stuff!

        Liked by 2 people

      • onebottleoneglass · November 10, 2016

        Omg, I know!!! The stories are so stupid! My husband repeats himself, screws up words, repeats himself again, and he’s a decent drunk! I’ve been around a couple drunk people, and it’s tolerably annoying. Wasted people though? Oh hell no, I gotta go.

        Liked by 2 people

      • asobermiracle · November 10, 2016

        One woman I know, who shall forever remain nameless, must have seen a few too many heavy metal bands in her time, because after a few drinks, she can no longer hear herself fart.

        Liked by 1 person

      • shehidbehindtheglass · November 10, 2016

        Eeek! You know me in real life? πŸ˜‚

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      • asobermiracle · November 10, 2016

        Oh God. That’s what blackouts are for! You’re not supposed to remember that shit.

        Liked by 2 people

      • shehidbehindtheglass · November 10, 2016

        Haha thanks for the laughs you two ☺️ Don’t forget about the loud slurred conversations and my fave – the sloppy drunk kisses! (Umm that’s my chin! πŸ™ˆ)

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      • asobermiracle · November 10, 2016

        It’s amazing how quickly I am holier than thou. Hee hee! It’s like my friend who smoked for 30 years but now CANNOT tolerate anyone smoking and makes loud disruptive comments and exaggerated fanning motions when we come within a mile of a smoker.

        Liked by 2 people

      • shehidbehindtheglass · November 10, 2016


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  2. Hurrahforcoffee · November 10, 2016

    Its hard to get sober if your partner is drinking alot. Sending you hugs dearie.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. ainsobriety · November 10, 2016

    Good choice. I remember drinking at 4 am and then suffering through the next day.

    Liked by 1 person

    • shehidbehindtheglass · November 10, 2016

      On my drive to work this morning while congratulating myself for NOT doing that the other night, I was thinking about how I felt the times that I did do that. Driving to work a few hours later, probably reeking all day and not being able to concentrate. yikes.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. onebottleoneglass · November 10, 2016

    Great job on resisting drinking out of anger and annoyance! I have come to find the drink-all-night-sleep-all-day behavior so abhorrent that I’ve threatened divorce if it continues. I’m glad it made you stronger instead of the opposite, and I’m glad that you were able to have a tired-but-clear head the next day. Well done on getting another “win” under your belt!

    Liked by 2 people

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